Kiev Flower Delivery
Frequently aSKED qUESTIONS
Unfortunately our company does not provide such services as even informational services do not provide this information. The only way to ensure that an address is correct is to go into the building and to confirm if the person does live there. If however you have any concerns about the address of the delivery, then use the cheapest pricing option we offer. Our couriers will inform us if the address is inaccurate. Note however that we do not offer refunds if delivery was not possible due to an incorrect address.
For the protection of our customers, we do not store credit card information on our server. We immediately delete this information after the transaction has been completed. In addition, we cannot charge your credit card again. However, changes can still be made to your order, you just need to resubmit your credit card information.
Placing an order with us really isn’t that difficult, but there are several steps you need to go through in order for it to be a success.
- Choose your flower bouquet
• Add an extra to it
• Fill out the recipient’s information
• Give your gift a personalized touch with a personal message
• Choose the delivery date and what address it needs to be delivered to
• Fill out the billing information
• Choose your method of payment and fill this information in
• Place the order
Absolutely! We deliver every day of the week.
We will not be able to assure you have a digital picture for three key reasons:
- Recipient may deny the request to take picture of the delivery. If you ordered this service, we will gladly refund you the money paid to attain the picture.
- Intended recipient may be unable at the delivery location and time.
- Certain locations may not have the necessary photo-taking equipment for the service. No charge is made unless a picture is taken.
Any information you provide us is regarded as private data and is not going to be shared with anyone at any time. This information includes your name, phone number, address, email address and credit card information. Our florist will be given your recipient’s name and address as well as any card information you provided. However, nobody else is going to have that information. We do not store credit card information on our server.
You can reach out to us by phone +44 745 227 2872 or by email We are here to assist you when you need assistance.
You are welcome to attach a personal note to a Greeting Card ordered with your bouquet. You can do so in the order form after you specify the address information at the checkout.
We cannot guarantee that a digital photo in every location for the following reasons:
Recipient may decline our request to take a picture of delivery
Recipient may be not at the place of delivery at scheduled delivery time
In certain locations we can not guarantee that the picture can be taken due to the lack of quality photo equipment